Friday, September 17, 2010 we come!!!

My doctor appointment went good yesterday. He seems to think IVF is in our best interest. We will be starting the process sometime in either December or January. As I've mentioned before, my husband is still in college and it would be best to wait until he graduates, since we live 3 hours away from my RE and we'll be having to travel there a lot during this process. This is just fine with me. It will be one less thing to stress about and we won't have to worry about him missing school. I can't wait to get started!! It will be here before we know it!

So, as I mentioned above, our appointment went good, but we didn't get home until almost midnight last night; with that said, let me explain what happened.
My appointment was at 10:00 am and we were out of there by 12:15. We drove to get some lunch and then stopped by the mall. From there we decided to go to Bass Pro Shop, which is on our way home. On the way to Bass Pro, I started feeling weird....tingly and my hands were clamy. I tried to brush it off and not worry about it. We went on to Bass Pro and while we were in there, I felt weak and my stomach was uneasy. We left there and decided to go on home. We get going down the interstate and I have another episode of clamy hands and this time I'm feeling a little lightheaded and my tongue was really dry. Again, I tried to brush it off. Well, it happens again a few minutes later! So, I told my husband that I thought maybe we should find a hospital. We searched the GPS and the nearest one was like 15 minutes off the interstate. We get there and they take me to a room and do blood work, a pregnancy test, and they take my blood pressure while I'm standing, sitting,and laying down and they also check my blood sugar and do an EKG. It ALL checks out fine. He seems to think I was having anxiety attacks. So, needless to say, it was a long ride home. We finally left the hospital around 8:15 or so.

I'm feeling better today, but still not 100%. I'm really not sure about these "attacks". I didn't think I was really anxious about anything yesterday, but I've been reading about it today and it says that they can come on without warning. Well that's certainly what happened yesterday. I've had one episode before, that I think that's probably what was happening. It was labor day weekend 2009 and some friends and I went to Savannah,GA for a day trip and I had an attack. I haven't thought much about having another one since then, but now I'm afraid to have another one. It is a really scarey feeling!! Does anyone else have these? Well, I hope you all have a great weekend!!


Nick and Kristi said...

IVF its exciting but has its challenges...I hope things go smoothly for you and will follow your progress:) We to had to travel for Dr's and now that I am Prego I go weekly to a Dr. that is 2 1/2 hours away but it is all worth it:)

Unknown said...

I just stumbled across your blog, and I wanted to say GOOD LUCK! I am also doing IVF in January. I'm sorry to hear about you having to go to the hospital. That is really scary.

Take care of yourself. I am now following you so I can't wait to hear about the rest of your journey.

Best of Luck!!


Adam and Julia said...

I have anxiety attacks. I had my first one in 2005 and they continued for quite some time. After seeing a psychiatrist, I was put on klonopin, which helped. I was on it up until we started IVF. It was a bit hard to get off of, but I am doing fine now. I just have to recognize when I am having an attack and remove myself from the situation. They stick. So sorry you are having them. Let me know if I can help