Friday, December 3, 2010


AHHHHHH!!!!! I just wanna scream!!!! The holidays are stressing me out!!! I love this time of year and the time we get to spend with family but, why can't it just be simple??? Why do people always make Christmas time all about getting a gift?? It drives me crazy!!! I love to buy gifts for everyone but right now times are tough and we are trying to save some money for IVF and we just CAN'T buy every single person a gift!! I don't care if I don't get one single gift; I just want us all to get together and eat and be merry, but it's not always that simple!! Oh well......we'll do what we can and that's going to have to be good enough! IVF is way more important to me than buying a gift that will turn into a dust collector. WHEW! I feel better!! Thanks for listening!! haha!! :)


Nick and Kristi said...

I hear you on the whole gift thing...Unless your are a kid...r gifts really needed? I just think if everyone is healthy...happy...then life is good:)

Since I have been off of work since the start of this pregnancy and with baby hakes making his arrival soon we just dont have the extra money either....So we just said this year no presents and luckily most people understand but a few dont but Oh well cant please everyone I guess:)

Cora said...

I know someone that totally agrees with you...HOLLY! They have tried to do this at Christmas and save money...but some just won't have it! (not me of course). They still have had the hardest time...please say a prayer for them. They are expecting orders to move any day now. It will be somewhere in Florida but that is all they know at the moment. Christmas is not all about the gifts of today but that one special gift many many years ago!!