Monday, June 14, 2010

Doc appt update!

Well, I went to my doc appt last wednesday and they confirmed i have PCOS(polycystic ovarian syndrome)! The next step will be to start Menopur/Ovidrel injections twice daily and daily ultrasounds after day 5 of injections.......trigger shot(if everything looks good) then IUI. Not exactly what I was hoping to hear, but if that's what I have to do then so be it! Although, it's fairly expensive, so we're gonna try to wait unitl my husband graduates from college(which is only 6 months away) and start then start the process. This way we will have more time to devote to it and not be stressed with his school. In the mean time, I'm gonna try to lose a few pounds and try not worry about it. I know in God's time we will have the family that we've always wanted! If any of you have advice to give me it would be greatly appreciated!! Thank you!

1 comment:

ashley said...

Sorry about your diagnosis but at least you got some answers. Not sure about your insurance but if your meds aren't covered, search around, especially on infertility blogs, a lot of women will donate their unused medications. Keep us posted!